Siri Chand Kaur:

Siri Chand Kaur, the Princess/Lioness whose greatness is expressed through reflecting the Light of God in the world. Reflecting the light of God just as the moon reflects the light of the sun.

Siri means great. 

Chand refers to the light and energy of the moon.

Your soul’s gift – that as the moon derives (härleder) its brilliance from the sun, so is your powerful spiritual light a direct reflection of the Divine(fantastiska/underbara). This is your greatness.

The lives of others are illuminated by the great strength of your radiance which flows from your oneness with the Infinite. (Utstrålningen som flödar från din enighet med det oändliga/universum)

All females receive the name Kaur - the Princess/Lioness of God who walks with grace and strength throughout her life.

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//Sat nam, Siri Chand